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Fundraising Time Management Through C.P.D.

Determining Linkage, Ability, and Interest (LAI) via CPD One of the major challenges a Major Gift Officer faces is the ability to identify a prospect’s purpose quickly and effectively. The problem is, that there is not enough time in between cultivating prospects and stewarding current donors while simultaneously performing strategic planning and reporting. How can you find a balance between these crucial tasks? It all boils down to time management. So, how do you efficiently segment your time? The quickest way to manage your time is to find a way to qualify which of your selected constituents that you are cultivating fits the vision and mission of your organization. I refer to this as Constituent Persona Development or simply, CPD. If you are able to determine the CPD in relationship to your organization’s goal sets, you will not squander time providing additional personal touch points (direct communication) with those constituents that do not readily dovetail with the ...

Noblesse Oblige: A historical perspective on philanthropic pursuit – Part 1
Historical perspective on modern charity giving

In today’s standardized fundraising strategies, charitable organizations tend to follow a 3-phase process in attracting and retaining major gift donors which are cultivation, solicitation and stewardship phases. These phases are the slow, yet deliberate, steps involved in what is referred to as “Moves Management” in the nonprofit arena by which we work toward aligning major gift donors with our charitable cause. Although this method of engagement has proven to be successful over time, these phases rely more upon gaining initial and then consistent monetary contribution from donors and less upon obligating them to become actual participants as volunteers within the philanthropic pursuit.  A phrase that embodies the true philanthropic obligation is one that is often misinterpreted in its true spirit. And this phrase is “Noblesse Oblige”. In recent years, it is a phrase that is taken on a connotation that has been interpreted as an attribute or award we bestow upon charitable ben...

Top 3 Tips For Marketing Success...

Sometimes the shortest helpful tips last the longest. Perhaps, that's where we embraced the terms " Reader's Digest" . Strike a spark with your prospective client through these 3 simple marketing tips... 1. It's Better To Give Than Receive As you go about creating new customer engagement programs and direct marketing campaigns for your brand, look for opportunities to give rather than to get. Whoever makes the first kind gesture, as studies show, tends to gain the most. 2.   I'm Talking To YOU, Not Them Authenticity, honesty, and personal voice underlie much of what’s successful on the Web. Therefore, don't address your readers as though they were gathered together in a large stadium. When people read your marketing copy , they're typically alone. Pretend you are speaking to each of them face to face when composing content. 3.  Ditch Marketing.  Inform & Inspire Instead The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.  By creating and ...

Is your online reputation affecting your business profitability?

“First impression is the lasting impression”. You have heard this expression before. When you prepare to meet someone important such as going on a job interview, delivering a first-time public speech or hosting a dinner for new friends, your end result is that you want to make a good positive lasting impression. From your attire to the table side etiquette, you set yourself up to be perceived as confident, trustworthy and approachable. The same rule is applied to your business. Big corporations spend a great deal of money, time and resources to introduce global service standards and core values to their employees. They empower their associates from the CEO to the front desk representative to improve customer service, be good listeners, provide guidance, respond in a timely fashion and continue to delight their customers while building great relationships. Small businesses, on the other hand, may have limited resources and budget to invest in professional support to provide t...
Do free website builders hurt your business? There are many articles written by many online marketing experts about the risks of building your own website, a.k.a. DIY (Do It Yourself). Let’s take a look at it from a different perspective to shed more light over this subject: Are you building a website to impress yourself or your customers? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder — when you are the creator, you are the beholder. When you begin building your own website, you can only depend on your personal taste. In other words, you select a template that you feel best represents you. You choose a style of typography and color scheme that appeals only to you. Eventually, you become too focused and obsessed with the design elements of your website. Since you have no historical data on which to base the effectiveness of your website’s user experience, you will end up seeking the advice of your friends and family, which can be beneficial in terms of your end user view point, how...

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