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Showing posts from October, 2017

Fundraising Time Management Through C.P.D.

Determining Linkage, Ability, and Interest (LAI) via CPD One of the major challenges a Major Gift Officer faces is the ability to identify a prospect’s purpose quickly and effectively. The problem is, that there is not enough time in between cultivating prospects and stewarding current donors while simultaneously performing strategic planning and reporting. How can you find a balance between these crucial tasks? It all boils down to time management. So, how do you efficiently segment your time? The quickest way to manage your time is to find a way to qualify which of your selected constituents that you are cultivating fits the vision and mission of your organization. I refer to this as Constituent Persona Development or simply, CPD. If you are able to determine the CPD in relationship to your organization’s goal sets, you will not squander time providing additional personal touch points (direct communication) with those constituents that do not readily dovetail with the ...